CoNetCom: Cooperative learning networks for competence management @ school

The project is a school development project. The overall aim of the project is to enhance the potential of a school as a ‘learning organisation’ and to increase the number of ‘change agents’ in the school.
‘Good practices’ of co-operative learning techniques, which can be used at school during consultation meetings of collegial teaching and non-teaching teams, task forces and ad hoc decision-making groups will be demonstrated and/or experienced hands-on.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

PROJECT MEETING in Bree, Belgium from February 3rd till February 5th


--> Structural cooperative technique for consultation 'THINKING HATS OF DE BONO'

1. De Bono Theory: main ideas

2. Presentation, adapted by the Latvian delegation


1. Pupil participation at school via PUPIL COUNCIL

2. Youth participation in the town via YOUTH COUNCIL

--> PRESENTATIONS used at Middenschool H. Hart

1. Flemish educational system and procedures meeting

2. VVKSO-educational network

3. Organizational chart in Middenschool H. Hart in Bree

4. eTwinning activities in Middenschool H. Hart in Bree

5. Culture and structure of Pupil Council in Bree, Belgium

6. Case study Pupil Council in Adana, Turkish delegation: organizing a visit to a nursing home

7. Case study Pupil Participation in Madrid, Spanish delegation

--> PRESENTATIONS used at the Town Hall Bree

1. Youth Council Adana - Turkish delegation


1. Getting to know each other activity - Italian delegation

2. Evaluation questionnaire - Spanish delegation

3. Lesson observation checklist - Flemish delegation

4. Interview for the school newspaper - Flemish delegation


1. Pupil Council - SCL method: Carousel feedback

* Pupil Councils in participating schools: similarities and differences

* Summary of the reflections in the subgroups, discussing the Pupil Council case studies of Belgium - Finland and Turkey. The feedback on the reflections can be found in the 'opmerking/remarks' column, next to the results of the subgroups.

2. Youth Council - discussion in subgroups, using the De Bono Thinking Hats

* Youth Councils in the towns of the participating schools: similarities and differences

* Summary of the reflections in the subgroups, discussing the Youth Council case studies of Bree Belgium - Järvenpää Finland and Adana Turkey.

--> LESSON OBSERVATIONS in the host school - SCL method: Placemat

1. Lesson observations - choices of the participants

2. Summary of the reflections of the participants


1. Sint-Augustinusinstituut - Bree: Upper Secondary School - mainstream - general, technical and vocational education

2. Sint-Elisabeth - Peer-Wijchmaal: Special Guidance Centre

3. Kadee - Bree-Tongerlo: Primary school - mainstream

4. De Boemerang - Bree: Primary school - special education


Digital Post-it method via LinoIt

--> PROJECT DEVELOPMENT in the participating schools

1. Bree - Belgium: In the Comenius Learning group of teachers, the 10 colleagues used the De Bono Hats method for the evaluation of a cross-curricular activity day. Subgroups were formed, using the cards, offered by the Italian delegation.

* working methods: De Bono discussion round + SCL-techniques Carousel Feedback and Stickering

* end products: posters with reflections